
Know who you are

Every candidate is unique.
And so is the business they’re joining.

That’s why Compono uniquely assesses both your business and the candidate, to find the best match.

How it works

A group of people in a room conducting psychometric assessments for candidate hiring and discussing business culture dynamics on a whiteboard.

Start By Mapping How Your Business Works

We believe there is no perfect candidate. Only the perfect candidate for you.

Three levels of assessment

Business culture

Find out what your culture actually is, not what you think it is.

Capture your work environment and organisational culture on 12 psychometrically validated dimensions.

Discover insights into the personality of your business, reveal subcultures within teams, and drive a high-performing culture.

Turn your culture into a tangible hiring benchmark.

An iPad with a variety of team members' work personality assessments to evaluate type and performance.

Team composition

As humans, we're all different. This is why each of us has preferences for performing certain types of work.

Assess the strengths, weaknesses, and priorities of your team against the 8 work actions successful teams perform.

Then, find and hire candidates that match and help your team be more successful.

Design high-performing teams.

Team composition

As humans, we're all different. This is why each of us has preferences for performing certain types of work.

Assess the strengths, weaknesses, and priorities of your team against the 8 work actions successful teams perform.

Then, find and hire candidates that match and help your team be more successful.

Design high-performing teams.
An iPad with a variety of team members' work personality assessments to evaluate type and performance.

Job design

Tap into the leading indicators of on-the-job performance, not what you typically find in a resume.

In addition to mapping skills and qualifications, design roles for your business based on 18 psychometrically validated motivational factors.

Assess what gets people excited to get out of bed in the morning.

Improve on-the-job performance for new starters.
The finance manager job on a laptop screen showcases a candidate's motivation and performance match.

Start by knowing your own business,
then work out...

Most psychometric assessments can be time-consuming, expensive, and subjective.
They only assess the candidate. We know there are two hiring variables, not one.
Leverage the insights of a corporate psychologist without needing to be one.

Frequently asked questions

What if I already have a culture assessment tool – how is this different?

Too often, culture assessment solutions provide insights you can’t really do anything with. Things like ‘happiness’ scores or ‘engagement’ metrics are all fine to know – but what do you do with that information? If your ‘happiness’ score declines, how do you know how to fix it? That’s why we take a practical approach. Compono Engage specifically looks at the way your business works, or ‘how we do things around here to get work done’. With this in mind, we use these measurements to create specific and practical hiring benchmarks you can use straight away. Knowing how your business works, and how each different team works, means you can hire people that better match your business. Hiring better matched people naturally leads to improved retention, engagement and business performance. Compono Engage is the culture assessment tool with real application.

Does it integrate into my existing HRIS system?

We have a growing list of HRIS partner integrations on the horizon. Soon, you’ll be able to import your employee data directly into Compono Engage from your HRIS system.

Who can see the results of my workplace assessments?

When you create a Compono Engage account, you can nominate your own administrators. For now, only administrators can see the results of a culture campaign. We’re working on expanding the number of roles we support soon.

Compono Marketplace

Our technology integrations


Helping businesses and people work better together

Product Update September 2024
Product Update September 2024: Employee Engagement
Product Update August 2024
Product Update August 2024: Work Personality
How to create higher-performing teams: assess your team

Get even more Compono

Compono offers two other powerful products – Compono Hire and Compono Develop – that all work beautifully with Compono Engage, like the people you’ll recruit



Match candidates to the way you work so you get who you need



Give your people modern, powerful learning to help them succeed

Global CTA

Let’s connect and find out how your business works!